Monday, December 29, 2008

About New Year Resolutions


How about to the people already accepted Jesus Christ? Are we growing? I believe this coming New Year is the best time to evaluate our Spiritual Life and be serious about it.

Measurements can be indicators of growth. And it's a good idea to measure our spiritual growth. For instance:
  • Do I spend time reading God's Word and talking with Him each day?
  • Do I look forward to fellowshiping with the Lord?
  • What "fruit of the Spirit" is apparent in my life?
  • Do I talk about Jesus with people who don't know Him?
  • How am I using my spiritual gift or gifts?
  • Do I have a generous and giving spirit?
  • How much better do I know God today than I did a year ago?
  • How tall and strong are you in God's sight?
  • How much have you developed this year?
  • These questions are good indicators of spiritual growth.
A child seems to grow up all of a sudden, but it's actually a continual process. Just as Jesus grew in both wisdom and stature, we as believers are to continue to "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18). We are no longer to be children, but to "grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ" (Eph. 4:14-15). Have you measured yourself lately? — Cindy Hess Kasper

The child of God who reads the Word

And heeds the messages he's heard
Will grow in grace from day to day
And share with others on life's way. —Hess

Salvation is the miracle of a moment; growth is the labor of a lifetime.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Meaning of Christmas

The Meaning Of Christmas
From: Our Daily Bread

Each year it seems that Christ's birth is acknowledged less and less during the Christmas season. An editorial in a British newspaper stated, "Christ has been detached from Christmas, and the season is now apparently just a time for being kind and ensuring that no one is lonely."

We have a magnificent opportunity to spread the good news that Jesus is the reason for the season. Here are three perspectives on the true meaning of Christmas that we can share with others:

* Christmas is a birthday celebration, honoring Jesus. God's Son took on human flesh and "dwelt among us" (John 1:14).

* Jesus came for our sake. He was born to die on a cross for our sins, and He was resurrected to give us forgiveness and eternal life (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).

* We can urge people to respond to Jesus with faith, accepting His offer of salvation (John 1:12; 3:16).

This time of year is more than just a season to be kind. Christmas is about Jesus—the real reason for the season. So let's take the opportunity to tell others the miraculous story of Jesus, God's Son. And let's pray that many, like the wise men who came to worship the promised Savior (Matthew 2:1-2), will seek Him and find Him this year. —
Joanie Yoder

When we look beyond the manger
To the cross of Calvary,
We will know the reason Christmas
Brings such joy to you and me. —D. De Haan

Bethlehem's stable was the first step in God's journey of love to the cross.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Christmas Prayer

This video is a combination of "A Prayer for Every Year" by Plus One and "My Grown Up Christmas" List by Kelly Clarkson
. Hope you like it!

From Our Daily Bread:
Our Prayer & God's Power
Pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. --James 5:16

When we pray for others, we become partners with God in His work of salvation, healing, comfort, and justice. God can accomplish those things without us, but in His plan He gives us the privilege of being involved with Him through prayer.

When we intercede for a grandson in trouble, a mother having surgery, a neighbor who needs Christ, or a pastor who needs strength, we are asking God to provide for that person what we can't provide. We are acting as go-betweens, asking God to direct His power in a specific direction.

In his classic book titled Prayer, Olan Hallesby described how it works: "This power is so rich and so mobile that all we have to do when we pray is point to the person or thing to which we desire to have [God's] power applied, and He, the Lord of this power, will direct the necessary power to the desired place."

This assumes, of course, that we are praying "according to [God's] will" (1 John 5:14). Prayer is not a magic wand for satisfying our own wishes, but it's an opportunity to work with the Lord in accomplishing His purposes.

James told us that "the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much" (James 5:16). So let's humbly and earnestly pray for one another. — David C. Egner

As we attempt to live like Christ
In actions, words, and deeds,
We'll follow His design for prayer
And pray for others' needs. —JDB

To give to others what they need,
We show no greater care
Than when we give them to the Lord,
Upholding them in prayer. —D. De Haan

When you can't be there, you can help through prayer.
In prayer, God hears more than just words—He listens to your heart.

How about you? What is your prayers this coming Christmas Season? Is it your Family, Children, Friends, Love Ones, the World, Economy, Politics, Financial, Emotional, Jobs, Problems, Health or any other thing that you want to pray? My Family and I will be with you in prayer, just leave a comment for your prayers, name and hometown and we will include it on our prayer every night.

Please share this and don’t just leave it. Let’s make things change thru prayer!!

I pray that the PEACE, JOY AND LOVE of the LORD this coming Christmas Season be upon you!!

Merry Christmas in advance!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Let them be little - Lonestar

Loving Our Grown-Up Children

Comedian Henny Youngman used to say, “I’ve got two wonderful children—and two out of five isn’t bad.”

When children reach adulthood, most parents have an opinion about how their offspring have “turned out.” Some are proud of everything their kids have done, while other parents express misgivings or disappointment about the choices their children have made. How can we continue a positive parenting role after the birds have left our nest?

In 1 Corinthians 13, often called “the love chapter” of the Bible, Paul writes that the greatest gifts of speaking, understanding, and sacrificial service are worthless without love (vv.1-3). Love itself is the foundation of winsome behavior, and its influence never ends. “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails” (vv.4-8).

When our children no longer seek our advice, they still value our love. In every stage of parenting, it’s not only what we say but what we do that counts.
— David C. McCasland

May God in mercy grant to us
A home where Christ holds sway,
Where peace and joy from heaven above
Abide from day to day. —Crane

A parent’s love never ends.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Passion of the Christ - We are the reason

"For God so Loved the World, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in him should not perish, but have EVERLASTING LIFE." -John 3:16

Watch full movie:

v.youku: Full Movie

v.youku: Full Movie

The Day God Died

On April 8, 1966, the cover of Time magazine asked in bold black letters, “Is God Dead?” The lead story described the work of several theologians who no longer held to traditional concepts of God. They were alike in concluding that the God of our fathers had not survived the dawn of evolution and birth control.

The debate that followed wasn’t as much about God as it was about us. We were in the middle of a turbulent decade. Our world was changing. An unpopular war in Vietnam was prompting bumper stickers that said, “Question Authority.” Science and technology were improving our lives and making us less aware of our need for a supernatural God.

Other reasons to believe God is dead. Challenges to the traditional view of God multiplied in the decades that followed. Not all were secular. Consumer fraud in religious broadcasting subjected the God of the Bible to public ridicule. Promises of “blessings for dollars” associated the name of Christ with “get rich quick” or “get thin fast” scams. Most recently, evidence of clergy abuse surfaced in the public media. With these reports came stories of victims, who, because of their abuse, no longer considered the God of the church a live option.

Those enlightened by science or disillusioned by religious leaders, however, are not the only ones talking about the death of God.

The Bible also talks about the death of God. The God of the Bible was so deeply moved by the harm people do to one another that He actually died because of it. At a moment in time, the eternal God closed His eyes and stopped breathing. Under the weight of wrongs that had hurt those who were dear to Him, His body fell limp and lifeless. At that moment God was dead—not just in the perception of others, but in real time and in an actual place.

In making this claim, the Bible goes far beyond the cover and pages of Time magazine. Instead of asking, “Is God Dead?” the theology of the Bible leaves us with a mystery that is beyond human comprehension (1 Timothy 3:16). The Second Person of a three-in-one God became a real man to die a real death for us (Philippians 2:5-11; John 1:1-3,14).

As this unparalleled drama unfolds, physical death was not our God’s greatest sacrifice. Even before breathing His final breath on a Roman cross, He endured the hellish darkness of spiritual separation from His Father in heaven. As the skies darkened in the middle of the day, His anguished cry echoed through the halls of heaven and history: “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46).

According to the Bible, our Creator endured such an agonizing death to show us that He is alive and that He loves us.

What the death of God tells us about ourselves. Those of us who are inclined to think of ourselves as victims, rather than offenders, might conclude that Christ’s death probably says more about the evil of others than about ourselves. We can always point to someone we think gave us an excuse to respond in an unloving way.

We get a different picture, however, when we look more closely into the suffering of Christ. If the Bible is right, He didn’t die just for someone else’s sins. He died for us (Romans 5:8; John 3:16). The pain He endured says volumes about the extreme nature of our own need (Romans 3:10-20).

Anyone who wants to be included in Christ’s death must admit that in God’s eyes our own wrongs rise to the level of those who violate federal law with capital offenses. The extent of His sacrifice says that without His intervention we would still be condemned lawbreakers, without hope, and waiting on “death row” for what the Bible calls “the second death” (Revelation 20:14; Romans 6:23).

How the death of God can help us find a new life. The Scriptures offer no hope to those who refuse to believe Christ suffered for them. The Bible offers a whole new life, however, to those who believe that Christ lived and died as their substitute. Like persons who enter a witness protection program, those who find refuge in Christ take on a new identity. Their troubled past is hidden in Him (Colossians 3:3). They assume His name. They receive His Spirit and become temples of the living God (1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19).

Those who allow the Spirit of Christ to be seen in them are an antidote to the opinion that “God Is Dead.” Their happiness and tears become a quiet showcase for the love, and joy, and peace of a God who is alive and reaching out to others through His people. No one does this perfectly. But few things are needed more than imperfect, troubled, grateful people who are growing in their willingness to let Christ live His life through them (Romans 8:11).

How can we come to that surrender? We can begin by watching Jesus our Lord move through the Garden of Gethsemane to the center page of human history. On the way He groans, “Nevertheless, not My will but Yours be done.” Then in the middle of a howling mob, on a hill outside the walls of Jerusalem, He willingly endured the eternal weight of our sin and death—for us.

Father in heaven, we never want to stop thanking You for the price You paid for us. Yet we are so easily distracted. Please help us this day to renew our gratitude for Your Son’s death. Please use the surrender of this moment to let His life, and Yours, be seen in us today. —Mart De Haan

Friday, September 26, 2008

Pursuit of Happiness - Win by Bryan Mcknight

I combined my favorite song and my favorite movie. Dont fail to watch Pursuit to Happyness it is a great movie. I especially dedicated this video to my wife Ethness and for all the people that are feeling down. NEVER LOOSE HOPE! HAVE FAITH!MESSAGE IN LIFE:


v.youku: Full Movie

stagevu: Full Movie

movielab: Full Movie


Problem of Chris Gardner:
1. Family Problem
2. Financial Problem
3. Tax Problem
4. Parking Ticket
5. Personal Expectation

Plan to conquer problems:
1. Faith
2. Good Attitude
3. Imagination
4. Self-confidence
5. Honesty
6. Humor
7. Determination
8. Motivation

HOW ABOUT YOU? What are you in pursuit of that will make you happy?


“Don’t let somebody tell you, you can’t do something. Not even me (as your father). Alright ?”
“You’ve got a dream, you gotta protect it”
“People can’t do something themselves, they want to tell you… you can’t do it”
“You want something, go get it… PERIOD. -CHRIS GARDNER”