stagevu: Full Movie
stagevu: Full Movie
the piratecity: Full Movie
v.youku: Full Movie
v.youku: Full Movie
As I was watching Meet the Robinson's, I couldn't help but think of the lessons they were teaching and how these lessons are the similar lesions that adults have trouble following or remembering.
1. Failure is acceptable and you learn more from failure then from success.
2. Surround yourself with positive supportive people. (Maybe not live with them, but that wouldn't always hurt.)
3. Its always best to continue to "move forward" no matter what happens.
Procrastination sometimes revolves around being afraid of failing and not succeeding on the first try. Also there is a serious stigma on failure. Your seen as a failure in a negative context. This judgment does no good other then to make the other person feel bad and sometimes make the judge feel superior. I personally believe (and others believe this as well) that any thoughts or feelings that are not (a) positive and (b) not producing some sort of action (moving forward) is a waste of time. I know we can't always control these feelings and thoughts, but we can control our actions to a point. Being mindful of our actions, thoughts and feelings help us control the sometime chaotic thing that is us. I'll blog more on judgment and mindfulness later.
Having positive or like minded people around you is part of the key to success. You can't always go it alone. We all need a support system of others. These people are sometimes so close they feel like family or are actual blood relation. We adopt them into our families and they adopt us into theirs. A good support system will get you through almost anything. Finding these like minded people is not always that easy though. We have to have a open heart and mind and be ready to accept them. They can be found many places; work, church, local groups, even online as other people have found.
Never stopping moving forward, is the main theme of the movie and it all surrounds a quote from Walt Disney which is shown at the very end of the movie.
“Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” –Walt Disney
This can be taken several ways. I'm going to focus on two of them. Stopping and giving up after a failure is a natural response that everyone has. It take time and practice to get over it. Even then you still may have the lingering feeling that you failed in a negative factor. It turning that feeling into a positive that's the trick. YEAH I FAILED! is what we all need to start to thinking and believing. Only from failure do we truly learn. You can learn by ROT, and by lectures, but the "School of Hard Knocks" is where we really get the best benefits. You learn more about yourself, your process, the project your working on, and what the outcome is from that particular action you performed. You don't stop there either, you move forward and relook at the failure and figure out what went wrong, then fix it and try again. Repeat as needed.
The other way "Moving Forward" can be taken is that once you succeed, another natural act is to stop and revel in the success. Its best to continue with that motivation, positive attitude and keep going on to either the next project or next action. I always like to have more then one project going at once. I never have nothing to do.
Keep Moving Forward Flowchart

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